Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Brisbane

G’day mates! How ya going?

I just wanted to stop by to share this little current events tidbit. Queen Street Mall will be kicking off The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Brisbane tomorrow evening with Fashion Snaps, a free public event. They will turn the main street into a runway, showcasing a variety of spring/summer fashions from retailers in the mall and surrounding CBD shops along with a resident DJ to pump it up.


As for the festival, it will take place from August 7 to 13, 2010 with various fashion shows taking place at South Bank Cultural Forecourt.

The 2010 festival will feature nine group shows, a swimwear/resort parade, a series of fashionable high teas, an Australian Fashion Graduate of the Year competition, a fashion highlights parade, and a ‘fashion after hours’ program. There are a broad selection of accessible fashion events to choose from and attend, including free events in Queen Street Mall and tickets ranging in price from $33 to $130.

I’ll be checking out the Fashion Snaps on Friday, August 6, 2010 at 6pm. Will I see you there?

Until next time darlings, sprinkle hearts!

Ooh, our first comment!

Crikey! That’s A Lot of Croc Part 2 of 3

G’day mates! How ya going?

My favourite part of this zoo was the chance to touch and interact with a lot more animals than usual. The Australia Zoo showcases certain animals on a schedule and you can get the chance to hold them and take a picture with them, at a designated area or at their home… for a price! But even with the hefty price, you still get plenty of opportunity to get up close with the animals for free. Booyah!

Vroom, vroom! The hunt is on.

And leave it to Jordan to get a little saucy in the back. The croc is amused!

We have great respect for Mr. Steve Irwin for being an amazing entertainer and wildlife warrior.

Jason does his part in supporting Australia Zoo Conversation Projects. I did my part by watching shiny change roll into the bank hole.

The croc is appropriately contained within two sets of fences so if you really want to endanger yourself with bodily harm, then climb twice, as if the first fence wasn’t enough of a deterrent.

Look very closely. The croc is a naturally camouflaged predator.

And he’s got friends!

This piggy was so adorable, he was also very tiny.

So adorable!

And we can never have enough Koalas!

Look! Koala joey peeking within mama koala hug. Amazeballs!

The little grey fluff on the left is the joey (baby koala).


It’s a dingo! Which only reminds of Elaine, “Maybe the Dingo ate your baby.”.

Now that’s a reptile we can get close to without fear of losing a limb!

This one is not a turkey.

It’s great to learn about the animals too, from the information displays and the friendly keepers willing to explain more about the animals.

It’s time for lunch because Jason is getting crankypants!

But if you get the special kiddie box, you can’t help but be happy! Right Jordan?

We still have so much more to share, like a trip through the gift shop where we touch absolutely everything like kids on a sugar high, Jordan gets into a mishap with the Bullroarer, and I get to feed an elephant!

So stay tuned for the final instalment of our trip to the Australia Zoo. Sprinkle hearts!

We have 2 lovely comments!

Let’s Go To The Australia Zoo, Part 1 of 3

G’day mates! How ya going?

Joining us on our adventure to the Australia Zoo, is our friend Jordan. He’s certainly a high-energy bundle of fun which is great for a full day at the zoo. It’s definitely a pleasure to adventure with more people, I highly recommend it.

The Australia Zoo is home of the late great crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin. The Irwin family officially opened the Beerwah Reptile Park in 1970. Back then, the park consisted of four acres, a few species of wildlife and a small caravan – which the Irwin’s called home. His legacy continues with his family celebrating 40 years of operation.

Oh yeah, whenever you’re going to visit an amusement park or anywhere special, you should check online for any promotions they may have to really take advantage of discounts and freebies. Another friend of Jordan, had tipped us off that by joining the Australia Zoo email newsletter, we’d get 50% off our admission fee so Jason and Jordan went to work on their iPod and iPad to quickly sign us up. This took forever because their registration process wasn’t that simple, we had to wait for the confirmation/welcome email AND THEN proceed with actually buying the ticket online! It was a tedious process because it had to be done for each person. Meanwhile, I was getting really impatient so I charmed the young man at the admissions booth to see if he could do anything for us. It worked!! I managed to score a ‘buy one, get one free’ special for Jason and I (since Jordan already completed his purchase on his shiny new iPad).

Let’s get this adventure started, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover!

It’s just a baby croc. It’s probably a good idea that the mama croc isn’t anywhere close because she might not like her baby getting petted by so many people.

A komodo dragon, sunning himself.

These parasite plants were very interesting. They just seem to stick along the bark and flourish. What are they?

If you’ve been to a few zoos, you’ll know notice that in this one, they put effort into the displays and environments of the animals. They also try to change it up to give the animals a variety and a sense of discovery which I really like a lot.

This Aldabra Giant Tortoise was huge! I wish I could have given you a sense of proportion but if I were to guesstimate, it was almost the size of a loveseat. I was overcome with a great urge to hop over the barrier and have a ride on the turtle.

Great friends make giant stone crocodiles extra fun!

Who’s next?

Well, there’s more to see in our next instalment of the Australia Zoo, so stay tuned. Sprinkle hearts!

We have 2 lovely comments!