Trip to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Part 1: More Than Just Koalas

G’day mates! Howzit going?

One of our goals upon coming to Australia was to experience as much as we can of the natural wildlife and attractions. A few weekends ago, we visited the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. The world’s first and largest koala sanctuary with over 130 koalas.

At first we thought of taking the bus to Lone Pine but we found a brochure at the hotel lobby for the Miramar Boat Cruise, which would take us to and from the sanctuary and include entry into the park. We decided to go with the cruise rather than confuse ourselves with bus schedules, plus we would see and learn more about the Brisbane river with the guided cruise. We thought it would be the better deal but (we didn’t discover this until later) because of the arrival time at the park and the departure time to get back to Brisbane CBD, meant that we could only spend approximately 2 hours in the park and that we wouldn’t be able to see the wildlife shows we wanted – the koala show only takes place twice a day, once BEFORE the Miramar arrives at the park and again AFTER Miramar departs to return to the city.

Beautiful views of the city on both sides of the Brisbane river on the Miramar.

The boat ride up to the park was beautiful and educational, we learned a little bit about the ecology of the river, the discovery of the Brisbane river, historic flood that submerged the city and a bit about really rich people building awesome river front homes.

Toronto is only 15027km away!

Upon our arrival at the park, Jason and I decided that we’d rather see the afternoon koala show and enjoy a leisurely stroll through the park than rush back to catch the Miramar. We’ll just take the bus home after.

They have plenty of animals freely roaming the park, you can get really close to them but they can still be a bit skittish if you get too close.

We saw the birds of prey show (highly recommend it), they had them flying right above the crowd and you can feel the whoosh as they passed by. It was really awesome how they made us feel really close to the animals, we loved it. Jason tried to get some photos as they flew by but the birds are far too quick and our shutter way too slow, still it’s the experience that we remember.

“Maybe the Dingo ate your baby” Elaine, Seinfeld

Stabbity beak.

More friendly lizards on our path.

A strange bird that reminded me of an ostrich but with a boney/cartilage head thing and far more colourful.

Crocs, mate!

Just a couple of neat things at the souvenir shop. Nothing too exciting, just cuteness.

Stay tuned for the next Lone Pine chapter where he head up the kangaroo hill and mingle with the wildlife up close and personal.

How do you like our adventures so far? Is there something you want us to do next time? Let us know, we really love and appreciate our readers! We want to go to the Australian Zoo next, so if there’s something you definitely want to see, let us know!

Until then, sprinkle hearts!

Ooh, our first comment!

Walk in the Park

G’day mates! Howzit going?

Jason and I took a lovely walk through the nearby Brisbane City Botanic Gardens one afternoon. It wraps around the boardwalk with paths by the water and paths around the main gardens and there’s even a lily pond! There were plenty of people biking,  couples strolling their babies along, women sunbathing, families picnicking, BBQing and we even saw a family playing scrabble or bananagrams on a bench.

A rock garden from downunder.

These grey mangroves help solidify the river walls, are integral to the river ecology by providing food for fish and are protected by the Australian government. Interesting note: mangroves secrete salt on their leaves!


And seek.

I found you!

We didn’t really see a lot of flowers, I suppose it’s because it’s winter here but the greenery was still beautiful and well manicured.

Oh, I get it, the fountain is coming out of my head. Yah, really good job Jason. =^>.<^= Grrr!

We intended to find a little spot to play Magic the Gathering but we got hungry, got lunch and stopped by the Ace comic shop instead before heading home. We’ll have to come back another day, and maybe bring our own picnic.

Until next time butterflies, sprinkle hearts!

We have 4 lovely comments!

Happy Mother’s Day

G’day mates! Howzit going?

The time difference between Brisbane and Toronto means that while our Sunday is now winding down, Torontonians are just waking up, hopefully to a glorious Sunday morning to celebrate Mother’s Day. Jason and I send our love to our mums and thank them for being so awesome! We miss you very much.


Shout outs also go out to those family and friends who were brave enough to push out some babies, we hope you all fill up on the happy too!

We’ve seen plenty of advertisements to buy flowers, chocolate, jewellery, kitchen appliances and specials for afternoon tea, brunches and dinner. Yum. All these wonderful treats aimed for mums! Oh man, I would really love to go to a real afternoon tea sometime – I want to eat little sandwiches, scones with jam, crumpets, little cakes!

How do you celebrate Mother’s Day? Do you have your own traditions – breakfast in bed, home-made cards? What’s your favourite way to treat the mum in your life? Or tell us what is the nicest thing you’ve done for your mum?

We hope you all have a very wonderful, lovely day!

Until next time, sprinkle hearts!

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