Walk in the Park

G’day mates! Howzit going?

Jason and I took a lovely walk through the nearby Brisbane City Botanic Gardens one afternoon. It wraps around the boardwalk with paths by the water and paths around the main gardens and there’s even a lily pond! There were plenty of people biking,  couples strolling their babies along, women sunbathing, families picnicking, BBQing and we even saw a family playing scrabble or bananagrams on a bench.

A rock garden from downunder.

These grey mangroves help solidify the river walls, are integral to the river ecology by providing food for fish and are protected by the Australian government. Interesting note: mangroves secrete salt on their leaves!


And seek.

I found you!

We didn’t really see a lot of flowers, I suppose it’s because it’s winter here but the greenery was still beautiful and well manicured.

Oh, I get it, the fountain is coming out of my head. Yah, really good job Jason. =^>.<^= Grrr!

We intended to find a little spot to play Magic the Gathering but we got hungry, got lunch and stopped by the Ace comic shop instead before heading home. We’ll have to come back another day, and maybe bring our own picnic.

Until next time butterflies, sprinkle hearts!

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