A Peek at Our Workstation

G’day mates! How ya going?

Here’s a little peek at our current workstation. Lucky for us, our furnished flat came with twin desks which easily lets us both work comfortably on our own and when we want to watch a show or movie, we just turn the monitor to the love seat.

We definitely miss our setup back in Toronto (4 sexy widescreen monitors all in a row) but bringing over our rigs would have been too costly. One idea was to ship a computer via courier to our hotel but the estimate was too much . We even thought about packing it up and bringing it with us on the flight instead, but the extra cost, inconvenience of lugging a massive box with us to the airport and mistrust of our luggage being handled with care just didn’t fly.

So for now, this is where most of the magic happens. Please disregard my current addiction with Facebook’s Cafe World.

Ooh, our first comment!


G’day mates! How ya going?

We’re seriously on the verge of updating our website design. Jason and I are super excited to put something new up but I think I’m holding up the process a tad bit. Personally, I often put client work ahead of personal work, so a project like Canucks Downunder fall to the wayside.

I’m going to have to push myself extra hard to get this baby launched sooner than later, so here’s a sketchy doodle for your preview pleasure!

Are you curious as to what the design will look like? Leave a comment and kick me on the butt to get a move on! I’d appreciate it.

Until then, sprinkle hearts!

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Koala, King of Australia by Michael Sandford

G’day mates! Howzit going?

Excuse us for the quietness as of late. Things have settled down and we have gotten into a rhythm of working and chilling out.  We are looking at a few adventurous options along the horizon but we don’t want to share anything about them yet until we get some confirmations.

Until then, Jason and I are putting together the finishing touches on creating a custom design for this website, which we will soon unveil! I have been illustrating some elements and researching koalas when I chanced about this lovely gem!

koala king of australia

Koala, King of Australia by Michael Sandford, a web comic artist.

Jason and I are really close to wrapping things up with our design. Stay tuned for changes and new adventures.

Koala cuddles and sprinkle hearts!

We have 2 lovely comments!