Garra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championship Circuit 2010

G’day mates! How ya going?

A friend of ours was participating in the Queensland Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu League Championship Curcuit 2010, on June 19, 2010 at Nerang PCYC, Gold Coast, and we came along to show our support. Our friend participated as part of the Garra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy. “It is the only full time Traditional Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy in Brisbane to have a world class Brazilian Black Belt as an instructor.”


We had to get up pretty early to get all the way down to Nerang for the competition but we were up to it; Jason’s a big fan of the UFC and other manly things. And I’m always up for new adventures and a spot of contained violence.

Once we arrived at the Nerang PCYC, there were crowds of athletes just warming up for their next match. The tension and anticipation were palpable. Many of the matches did not disappoint as the athletes showed finesse and impressive technique. Some matches were equally balanced as the two opponents battled for points and control. In some matches,  opponents were quickly dispatched with lightning fast submissions. As the day went on, the crowd of fighters thinned but the quality of the matches became more intense.

We sat down at the front to watch our friend in his first fight and after a struggle for control, he was able to lock a triangle choke (please insert proper name) to win the match. Jason had the camera set up floor-level to catch all of Nic’s matches.

As fighters continued to win their matches, the frequency of bouts became more steady. It was insane to see one guy pretty much fight non-stop and still win with submissions, his stamina was incredible.

There were also a couple of lady matches. I would have liked to have seen more lady matches but this just might be one of those sports that don’t really draw in the ladies.

Our friend Nic came by to watch a match with us between bouts.

Altogether, it was a great day to support a friend and watch a few guys wrestle.  It certainly wasn’t anything like UFC but I think I might have grown a chest hair or two from being surrounded by testosterone.

Until the next submission, sprinkle hearts!

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Queensland Week RACQ Big BBQ

G’day mates! How ya going?

On May 29 to June 6, 2010, Queensland celebrates Queensland Week, the anniversary of their official separation from New South Wales as a colony. And on Sunday, June 6, 2010, they celebrate Queensland Day with the Queensland Week RACQ Big BBQ, a family day out at Roma Street Parkland, Brisbane, from 10:30am to 3:30pm.


It was a beautiful Sunday to spend at the park and though most of the activities were aimed at families with kids, Jason and I still enjoyed chilling out at the park, checking out the gardens, fountains and sunning ourselves on the grass. There was supposed to be a free BBQ but we never found it but that was alright since they had more food stalls to entice my ever hungry stomach. I most definitely enjoyed the churros dipped in dulce leche. Yum! I wish I remembered to take a photo of that yummy little number.

Her bubbles call out to me.

The bubbles beckon me to come closer.

Oh sweet day, surround me with bubbles!

They had all kinds of activities for everyone, even circus workshops and drumming.

Fern Gully was a good movie. They made it into 3D and called it Avatar, that was good too.

We decided to have a walk and explore the rest of the park.

Jason took a moment to take in the park’s natural beauty. That or he blinked when I took the photo.

I thought it was very courteous of the park to provide poop bags for the good citizens of Brisbane.

Oh hello, I spotted my first whale!

And got up close and personal.

It was a pretty exhausting day spent under the glorious sun.

We have 2 lovely comments!

Happy Canada Day

G’day mates! How ya going?

We may be far away but we’re still Canucks Downunder! Jason and I are currently in Sydney, Australia so that Jason can attend Google DevFest 2010. It’s been pretty exciting so far though we are only here for a couple of days, we’ll try to fit in as much of Sydney as possible.

Upon our arrival to Sydney’s Central train station, I spotted someone with a Maple Leaf’s jersey. I cheered and hollered at him “Go Maple Leafs! Yey Toronto.” but he did not look amused at all. I don’t even think he knew what he was wearing. Yet another silliness on my part, but I think it’s just nice to meet other Canadians and fellow Torontonians, even more so.

We hope you all enjoy this glorious Canadian holiday! Until next time, sprinkle hearts!

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