Guides to Moving and Travelling Abroad

G’day mates! Howzit going?

It’s not enough to know more about your destination but to be prepared with your next step. You may only be visiting for short while or much longer, either way you should have a pretty good idea of what you want to experience and accomplish during your stay.

Have I mentioned that this move was one of the biggest decisions that Jason and I have ever done? Well it is! It surely deserves some proper research. Now I know we’ve already  written two other articles on research – “Research Before Making the Trip” and “What to Expect in Australia” – each one provides helpful links. So now that we’ve covered what you should do before the trip, learning more about your destination, let’s do more reading about what to do when you arrive!

Great guides and advice on moving and travelling abroad:

Alright folks, now that all that heady stuff is done, Jason and I can’t wait to share with you more of the fun stuff!

Have you got any more advice for us? Do you have more links that have helped you with your travels? We’d love to hear from you.

Until next time friends, sprinkle hearts!

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