Last Minute Errands in Downtown Toronto

G’day mates! Howzit going?

Check out our first video with our lovely Sanyo Xacti, the sexiest, shiniest toy ever! This will only be the first of many videos we hope to make, in sharing our adventure with you!

As of now, we are enroute and will do our best to keep updates flowing! ♥ Cheerios!

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Last Evening in Toronto

G’day mates! Howzit going?

We’re in the eve of our departure and things are culminating into a flurry of packing, not only of things that we are taking with us but of things that will be going to storage while we are in Australia. It’s been a long day for us, Jay and I have been working on a few projects in the morning, made some time to do errands at the mall and got back for an entire evening of last-minute goodbyes and packing.

These are a few shots of us at Yonge Dundas Square enjoying  the very wonderful weather! Thank you Toronto for the lovely day.

We are tired but definitely excited to make our way to the airport so very early in the morning! Cheerios!

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G’day mates! Howzit going?

Thanks for stopping by our blog. Donna and I are still getting things ready for our big trip to Brisbane, Australia. We’re SUPER BUSY! So for now, this site is about as boring as the House of Commons. Don’t worry, we’ll get something up soon!

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