Welcome to Japan, or at Least the Airport

G’day mates! Howzit going?

On our way to Brisbane, Jason and I had a seven hour stopover at the Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan. Though it was a tempting idea to venture out and see the city of Tokyo, we were more concerned with staying in the airport and not missing our final leg of the trip.

So what is there to do but explore?

Oh yes, this airport lounge is just brimming with excitement!

It was at this time that Jason and I decided to watch the movie, The Road. Oh wow, it was a powerful movie but certainly a bad choice considering that the current environment we were in was quite bleak and our energy exhausted. It was easy to get sucked into the movie and afterwards, everything just felt heavy and depressing.

I won’t let that get me down though, so I perked myself up with more window shopping.

What do you do to pass the time when you’re at a layover? What entertains you?

Until next time airport survivors, sprinkle hearts!

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Airplane Food

G’day mate! Howzit going?

Oh man, I just ate the most amazing meal ever! I mean OK, maybe it’s not the most amazing meal but it certainly hit the spot after an already long, long day!


I couldn’t sleep I was so hungry! I probably couldn’t sleep because I’m also still very excited that I’m enroute to awesomeness!


I’m also enjoying this very lovely JAL Original Drink – Sky Time Yuzu (Japanese Citron). Refreshing with just enough sweetness! It’s also recommended that during a flight, you should keep hydrated with water and if possible, keep lotion and lip balm on hand. I’ve got this very lovely lotion but I haven’t got a lip balm, so I will drink more water!


I’m getting very antsy sitting here! I’m in the middle seat this time, but I am thankful that I got the window seat on the first leg. I can’t wait to get up and stretch my legs.

Sprinkle hearts!

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Boarding for Tokyo

G’day mate! Howzit going?

We’re about to board our flight to Tokyo and have about an hour to chill. There isn’t much to see in O’Hare airport but we did get to ride the tram, I even suggested to Jason, that we could ride it until our boarding time. That’s just me, being silly.

Donna in the O'Hare Airport Tram DSC01008 DSC01010 DSC01017

I have a positive outlook on travelling and I rather enjoy the downtime to people watch. The babies are cute and cuddly looking but not when they start crying! K-Pow was right, so thank you very much for the ear plugs! Also, I like to see what women are wearing – there are those who dress for comfort and function and then there are those that look like they’re going out on the town! It might be a bit morbid and highly unlikely but what if we crash and the plane catches on fire, I’d rather not be caught with a short skirt and high heels. The men, I haven’t noticed what they’re wearing and by the looks of those that are here, they dress for comfort then again it will be a pretty long flight!

Lesson learned while going through security

Make sure that you lay out your netbook, laptop and other large electronice devices, preferably, in their own bucket. Jason did remind me to do this, but I forgot the little netbook in my purse and I got caught! Also putting your shoes/purse in a bucket is also based on the security agent’s preference because in my first security run, the agent let me put my shoes in the bucket and left my purse out on its own. Then in my second security run, the agent let me put my purse in the bucket and pulled my shoes out.

Whatever happens, be patient, listen to security and follow their instructions. This will certainly get you moving along.

Sprinkle hearts!

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