Welcome to Japan, or at Least the Airport

G’day mates! Howzit going?

On our way to Brisbane, Jason and I had a seven hour stopover at the Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan. Though it was a tempting idea to venture out and see the city of Tokyo, we were more concerned with staying in the airport and not missing our final leg of the trip.

So what is there to do but explore?

Oh yes, this airport lounge is just brimming with excitement!

It was at this time that Jason and I decided to watch the movie, The Road. Oh wow, it was a powerful movie but certainly a bad choice considering that the current environment we were in was quite bleak and our energy exhausted. It was easy to get sucked into the movie and afterwards, everything just felt heavy and depressing.

I won’t let that get me down though, so I perked myself up with more window shopping.

What do you do to pass the time when you’re at a layover? What entertains you?

Until next time airport survivors, sprinkle hearts!

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